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Men' s Sobriety & Recovery Housing


Structured Christ centered Chemical dependency program that takes the image of failures and build on visions of a better person.  We can make the image of a better person a reality; a people who reflect the image of a society’s future not its failures; a people who are greater because of their great character which is built on greater principles and values.


Image Buildings

What are Image Buildings?
  • Image Buildings are structured  with strong principles that provide support for recovery and sobriety.

  • Image buildings provide housing, economic and social opportunities for recovering addicts as well as battered and abused men and women.

  • Image Buildings provide special housing and resources for you and young adults in distress including; teenage mothers and youth suffering from abusive households.


  Image housing provides community resources, counseling and mediation necessary for participant to reach a speedy recovery...

Our Image Buildings for teens are structured to provide support for teen mother and their children ages 15-21. Image is designed to permute education and specialty training, assisting participants in obtaining G.E.D’s and /or E.S.L’s and entering other programs.

We believe it is important to not only provide counseling but education and training. We intend to produce well rounded citizens.


Our Mission

Our mission it to provide a safe haven for recovering men and women, teens at risk, and those who have been involved in the penal system. Our objective is to help transition them from their former image and past errors, and build within them a new, more prosperous image. Lastly we will assist them in reentering mainstream society.

Our Mission Statement

An innovative Christain base program which provides a varety of services such as Therapeuic Mentoring, Residential Boot Camp, Teen Crave After School Program Supervised Visitation, Team Building, Fitness and Nutrition


Vision Statement

Our aim is to talk a wholistic approac to help transform the lives and thinking patterns of youth at risk.


  • 24 hr. hotline

  • Crisis intervention/Safety Planning

  • Advocacy

  • Peer Counseling-

  • Support Groups: this is the element of our program builds social skills: which reflect the social skills participants will require before reentry into general society. These groups fortify the transition back into mainstream society.

  • Confidential, Temporary emergency shelter: Our facility is designed to provide 6-12 months assistance to each participant and /or family unit. It is not a permanent residence. Our aim is not obstruct the individuals’ ability to eventually live independently.  Nor, is it our aim to develop and individual that is continued or dependent on institutionalization.

    Each Image Building is gender specific.

  • Emergency Food and Clothing

  • Stones- Value, Respect, Honor, Integrity


Image Buildings are full equipped with a unique staff. Not only are our staff certified, college graduates, social workers, and specialty staff but they range in age. This advantage allows us to comfortably council participants of all ages, maintaining a comfortable yet professional rehabilitation environment.

Teen Crave USA


Residential Bootcamp Academy:  Is dedicated to challenging youth with extreme personalities and refocusing their energy toward self-discipline and self-motivation. This program used recreational activities as well as academic assistance to cultivate growth and self-esteem.



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